freelance photographer, filmmaker and artist flowing through an amalgam of all things creative & artsy.
inspired by the art of nature & by the beauty that lives in everything;
by light & the magical colours it creates.
in my work, I am passionate about capturing & documenting real, aesthetic moments.
telling stories through my images.
exploring & enjoying.
interested in my work? I’m happy to hear from you!

partners & clients
raumpflegekultur e.v. | sofar sounds berlin | oceanmata | staatstheater augsburg | brechtfestival augsburg | stereostrand festival | kunstwerk open air | violentia münchen | lust auf gut | atelier schulz | darcey band | veskor cassiopeia | riccardo ferrara music & art | jüdisches museum augsburg | netzwerk unternehmen integrieren flüchtlinge | die seiferei | club & kulturkommission augsburg | stadt augsburg | galerie strömung | joy & linen